Choosing Between Fame and Spiritual Growth. (1 min 11 sec)

1. Excessive human admiration is unnatural and detrimental to the human psyche.
When a celebrity receives an overwhelming amount of admiration from the public, it leads to an unnatural level of attention and adoration. People put them on a pedestal, treating them as if they are not ordinary humans anymore.
2. The detrimental effects of fame.
Being famous comes with the constant pressure to maintain a certain image or reputation. Celebrities feel the need to please their fans and the media, which leads to stress and anxiety.
3. Psychological changes and narcissism.
Everyone who becomes famous experiences psychological changes. They develop a sense of entitlement, believing they deserve more and more admiration. This narcissistic behavior distances them from their true selves and leads to unhealthy self-absorption.
4. Fame and spirituality follow divergent paths, each with its own agenda, making them fundamentally incompatible.
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