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Creating CLARITY? What is it and how do we make it?

Thanks for viewing my challenge. It is a real challenge for me. Could I please ask you for your ideas on CLARITY, this all important concept of being able to be clear - on ALL its senses and many meanings? 

It seems like a simple challenge but it is not clear and quite fascinating to explore. I will also post my list of 10. Thanks in advance for your ideas! You are all awesome.

    1. Definition

    What is CLARITY? What does it mean to be clear? To be in a state of clarity? How does one get out of a state of confusion or lack of clarity? What are the benefits of being in a state of CLARITY?

    2. Senses

    1) definition above. 2) seeing - when you see something, can you see all the details and can you see what is really going on. Like when someone says "I love you" but their eyes say something else. Can we really see what is going on and not just our own biases and projections. 3) Hearing - can we hear what people are saying without projecting our biases onto them. Can we hear all the nuances and subtexts that maybe they didn't even realize they were saying. 4) Touch - can we touch others with kindness and compassion and not always think about how this will benefit us in some way. 5) Taste - what is it like to taste life fully without fear, without regret, without anxiety, without attachment (to outcomes). Can we taste all flavors instead of avoiding bitterness or sourness. 6) Smell - I know this one is weird but...can we smell the air around us for signs of danger or opportunity that may be missed if only relying on other senses. Like smelling a rat around someone who seems trustworthy but has some ulterior motives. Or smelling opportunity when it comes by even if it smells like garbage (like the garbage surrounding an opportunity). Can we also smell our own BS from time to time so its not always floating around us like a toxic cloud that keeps us from moving forward with clarity. 7) The use of Clarity in decision making
    How do we make decisions with clarity vs using fear-based decision making or desire-based decision making (where we ignore reality because reality doesn't match up with our desires). How do we make decisions with speed but also accuracy so there are no regrets later on. This leads me to my next point... 8 ) The concept of regret
    Can we learn to live life free from as much regret as possible so its easier to move forward from any given moment rather than constantly looking back at things that could have been done differently and now create unneeded friction (and pain) as we try to move forward in life with little remorse over past decisions/mistakes/failures/etc .
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