Current Ambitions
I'll call these ambitions rather than plans or goals because as someone who suffers from chronic depression, I know that I can get derailed by a lack of motivation and external factors that suck away my time and attention. I recently came out of a down cycle and found a zest for life that made me want to take on more and fit more of the following into my life.
1. Reading
I might delete a game from my phone and try and use the time on books, or even more intentional web reading.
2. Writing
I'm going to try to attend a writer's group 'grind' where they all get together and spend time working on their projects.
3. Rithmetic - Just kidding, I Mean Coding
@DrFritzS recommended The Bastard's Book of Ruby as a good tool for writers. I used to code in Ruby and it was the only time I enjoyed coding. I'm skeptical of his assertion that it can be a tool for writers, but if the book lives up to its promise I may be able to automate some tasks at work and make my process more data-driven.
4. Tracking
Weighing myself, Logging Sleep Quality/Quantity, Mood
5. Elder Care
My mother is in cognitive and physical decline. This area isn't really an interest for me so much as a need.
6. New Friends
Make more efforts to connect with adults in my community
7. Old Friends
Stay in touch with old friends.
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