I'm working harder and longer than usual in the run up to Christmas. Customers are asking for more and just found out my dad's in hospital. I'm close to breaking point, so how do I destress before I get there?
1. Perception
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude towards the problem. - Captin Jack Sparrow
Could I reframes how I'm seeing things that are stressing me?
Work - I'll be making a lot of money this month. Once I'm working it's not so bad, just get on with the task. I might be saving a lot of money, then again lunch costs a fair bit, but they're good lunches. Pizza and chips today.
Customers - helping is usally easier than the task I've been given. Why wouldn't I want to do what's easier? Customers appreciate it and give thanks. A little thanks when stressed helps calm you down.
Dad - He's in the best place possible if he's sick. Give it time and he'll be back to normal.
2. Meditate
3. Journal
4. Music
I'm listening to some saxophone and it's really calming me down.
5. Don't talk about it
Talking just re-enforces why you're right in feeling the way you do, prolonging the feelings you say you want rid of.
If you want to talk, lie. Say you're feeling great. Talk about how despite all that's going on you're as awesome as ever. In time you'll come to believe these and will start feeling awesome again.
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