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Do Schools Kill Creativity ? 10 IDEAs to transform the education system from uniformity to personalized education

    1. Be aware that one of the most important functions of the school is to take care of the children during the day

    School is a kind of daycare. It fulfills this function even if it is bad. This also means that there is actually a great deal of freedom as to how the children should spend this time.

    2. What's really necessary?

    It's not that much that young people at 15 should be able to do, so that all doors are still open to them: Basic arithmetic, reading and writing, maybe the basics of a foreign language, some geography, history, physics and biology. The rest of the time is open to other things that help the individual children or give them particular pleasure.

    3. Projects are better than abstract knowledge

    If you paint, draw, do handicrafts or do manual work, you will have a tangible result at the end. Schools should give children more opportunities to do things instead of listening to facts.

    4. The opportunity to avoid what you hate

    Aside from basic arithmetic and the basics of their mother tongue, no child should be forced to learn anything they dislike. They should be able to opt out of subjects they particularly dislike.

    5. Sports should be fun, not something children are forced to do

    If you're bad at soccer, you might like to play mini-golf or take an interest in yoga. The requirement should be some physical activity twice a week.

    6. Zero tolerance for bullying

    A child who is bullied hardly enjoys school. The question is how to prevent this. Maybe fines for the parents (based on their income) are a possibility. It's their job to make sure their kids don't grow up to be thugs.

    7. Large libraries open to donations

    Some of my fondest memories from school have to do with school libraries.

    8. Special groups to pursue hobbies

    Wouldn't it be great if kids who love programming or tinkering with motors or designing fashion could do that at school?

    9. Learning to cook

    The children should have the opportunity to help in the school kitchen. Perhaps with the reward that those who help determine what is cooked.

    10. Times of day

    Some children and especially teenagers hate the early morning hours. The usual period for an office job (nine to five) should also provide the time frame for school lessons.

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