What could I easily do next?
1. The Rocco Effect - set 3, 4, 5,
The biggest problem was spellchecking, but now that chatgpt exists I have nothing holiday me back. 2. New Advice Videos
I'd like to get someone to film me or get a tripod. I've enough content for ton's of videos. And I'm making new content all the time (daily lists.)3. New comics
Something I've been wanting to do for a while. I've finally got the time to focus on making them.4. Comedy videos
I could touch up my old jokes and make videos for them.5. Take book notes
I've ton's of books I've been meaning to take notes on. I could reread them and write down the most important points. I could also use chatgpt to give me takeaways and expand on the ones I remember.6. New t-shirt designs
Find some new quotes and make new designs. Easy.7. Buy ads
start small and see what works.
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