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From Distraction to Devotion: Teaching Your Dog a Solid Recall (Phase 2)

If you missed Phase 1 make sure to go back and do this before moving on to Phase 2

Read and practice From Distraction to Devotion: Teaching Your Dog Solid Recall (Phase 1) HERE

    1. Boost Your Dog's Recall Confidence: Add Distance and Out-of-Sight Practice to the Process

    Let's take it up a notch, shall we? Practice the same process, but from a greater distance away from your dog. Try moving to another room while still in view of your dog, then progress to calling them from another room while you're out of sight.

    Remember to reward your dog for responding with appropriate enthusiasm, using verbal praise, treats, or physical affection. Make sure the degree of your reward matches the level of performance from your dog. By gradually increasing the distance and difficulty of the recall exercise, you'll be building a strong and reliable recall.

    2. Keep Your Dog's Recall Training on Track: Why You Should Avoid Praising Halfway Responses

    In the event that your dog doesn't make it all the way to you during the recall exercise, it's important not to offer praise. While it's natural to want to encourage your dog, it's crucial not to reward them for only completing half the task. You can certainly offer assistance if needed, but hold off on praise and rewards until your dog successfully completes the recall.

    3. What should you do if your dog fails to come to you? How to Guide Your Dog to Success When They Don't Respond to the Recall Prompt"

    Our goal is a rock solid recall, and that means plenty of repetitions of the correct behavior - which in this case, is coming all the way to you. However, if your dog gets distracted or fails to follow through, you need to provide some guidance to help them through the process. That's why keeping a leash on your dog, even indoors, can be crucial.

    If your dog doesn't respond to the recall command, don't keep repeating it over and over again. Instead, go get the leash and gently guide them to the original intended destination. A simple "good" passing praise will suffice - no big reward needed. Then, repeat the process until your dog gets it right.

    If you find that you've added too much distance or complexity to the recall exercise, don't be afraid to backtrack to a shorter distance and work your way back up. The foundation of recall training may seem repetitive and mundane, but trust me, it will pay off in diamonds in the sky as far as your dog goes in the long run.

    4. Build a Strong Foundation: Ensure Your Dog is Reliable Before Advancing to the Next Recall Phase

    Achieving a rock-solid recall is an essential skill for any dog owner, but it requires patience and consistency. While the ultimate goal is having your dog come running to you even in the midst of dogs, people, and distractions, it's important to focus on building a strong foundation first.

    Think of it as flying a plane; you wouldn't take off without first completing rigorous simulations and training. The same principle applies to training your dog's recall. By taking the time to work on the basics, you will set your dog up for success in the long run.

    It's understandable to want to rush through the process and move on to the more exciting aspects of recall training. However, it's crucial to stay the course and not become discouraged if progress seems slow. Consistent repetition of correct behavior is key to achieving a reliable recall.

    So, remember to be patient and take the time to build a strong foundation. With persistence and consistency, your dog will be on their way to mastering the art of recall in no time.

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