1. Life is so hard --> Life is such an adventure.
2. I don't know how to do this --> I will learn how to do this.
3. They'll find out I'm a fraud --> They'll find out I'm learning.
4. They could never like me! --> They will love me!
5. I am not strong enough --> I possess all the strength I need.
6. I am not attractive enough --> I attract only the right people for me.
7. Everyone is smarter than me --> I am on my own learning journey.
8. How could I be so dumb? --> Next time I will know better.
9. I don't have enough time --> I have all the time I need.
10. I don't belong --> I can't imagine being anywhere else.
11. I'm afraid to fail! --> I can handle anything!
12. I don't know enough --> I am always learning.
13. I can't do it alone! --> Thank goodness I can do it on my own!
14. I have so many problems --> I have so many opportunities.
15. Change is scary! --> Change is exciting!
16. What if I made the wrong choice? --> What if I made the right choice?
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