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God, Love, No Fear. (2 min)

    1. There is no "In Addition To."

    There is only one reality, one truth, and one existence. There can be nothing outside of or separate from this oneness. The idea of "in addition to" implies that there could be something else, something separate from the totality of existence, but this is impossible.
    God is the only reality, and everything that exists is part of God. There is no separate world, no independent existence, and no reality apart from the divine. What we perceive as the world of separation, with its many forms and appearances, is merely an illusion created by the ego.
    The ego is the belief in separation from God, and it is the source of all ideas of "in addition to." The ego wants us to believe that we are separate beings, living in a world of scarcity, competition, and conflict. It wants us to believe that we have needs and desires that can only be fulfilled by something outside of ourselves.
    We are not separate from God and there is nothing that we need "in addition to" our divine nature. We are already whole, complete, and perfect because we are part of the infinite love that is God.
    "In addition to" is a false concept, born of the belief in separation. There is only one reality and everything we experience is a reflection of the mind's choice to identify with either the ego or with God.
    We are not lacking in any way because we are part of the infinite abundance of God's love. The idea of "in addition to" falls away as we rest in the simple truth of our oneness with God. There is nothing to seek, nothing to attain, and nothing to fear because we are already home in the heart of God.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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