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"God vs AI: Why Worshipping Artificial Intelligence is a Dangerous Illusion (5 min 42 sec read)

Is AI the new god or is it simply a human creation that pales in comparison to the supreme intelligence of God?
Is artificial intelligence (AI) simply another object to marvel at, even idolize, while also being consumed by fear?
What's interesting is that many people seem to be more excited about AI than they are about that which created them.
Thankfully, the Creator is not the jealous type because you would have kicked him to the curb already.
It's like there's a new sheriff in town, but don't be too quick to place your bets.

    1. Unmasking the Illusion: The Truth about Artificial Intelligence

    AI is something that has been created or produced by human beings rather than something that God created.
    AI is not genuine or authentic, but rather a simulation or imitation of the real thing.
    AI is the creation of machines or systems that simulate human intelligence.

    2. Are We Getting Dumber?

    Intelligence" refers to a general cognitive ability to:
    • Learn - look at the world around you. It would appear that through eons we have not learned anything especially how to get along amicably with one another.
    • Reason - involves analyzing and evaluating information, weighing different options or possibilities, and making judgments based on logical thinking.
    Our default setting is not reasoning but one of attack and ridicule of ourselves and others.
    • Solving Problems - is the process of finding a solution to a problem or challenge.
    How can you find a solution to a problem when you don't even know what the problem is?
    The world's approach to solving problems begets more problems.
    Learning from our mistakes and getting along with others seems to elude us as a species.
    Instead of using reason, we often resort to attacking and ridiculing others, even ourselves.
    When faced with challenges or problems, we struggle to identify the root cause and tend to create more problems as a result.

    3. Being intellectual and being intelligent are two different things.

    You can have a lot of knowledge but that doesn't mean that you are intelligent in the sense of being able to learn, reason, problem-solve, and adapt to new situations.
    Intellectualism is just your accumulating information and knowledge without actually applying it to real-world situations.
    Most people have a detached and theoretical understanding of the world which isn't very useful in their everyday life.
    Being intellectual is a poor substitute for intelligence.
    You have a bunch of accumulated knowledge but is that intelligence?
    To compound the problem, artificial intelligence further complicates the domains of your consciousness, augmenting the ambiguity of an already bewildered and deceptive psyche.
    In plain English, the more knowledge we seem to acquire, the dumber with seem to get.
    In the absence of AI, there would always be some other element in the world to instill fear.
    Is it possible to live in the world and fear nothing?

    4. The Dualistic Nature of AI

    The Benefits of AI

    AI has the ability to learn and progress continuously, while human beings tend to repeat their mistakes and may ultimately face self-destruction as a result.
    The automation of repetitive tasks by AI evokes fear in you.
    AI's capacity to efficiently and accurately organize vast amounts of data can be both advantageous and disadvantageous.
    The blessing of AI's quick and precise data organization lies in its ability to facilitate decision-making and uncover valuable insights.
    However, the curse lies in the potential for the misuse of sensitive data  that can negatively impact you.
    The fact that AI can operate non-stop, without experiencing fatigue or the need for breaks, evokes a sense of fear and unease in you.
    Job security, loss of control, and uncertainties related to dependence on such technology makes you terribly afraid of AI.
    You fear that AI may become uncontrollable or even turn against humans and this is made more "real" through your media consumption.
    The prospect of AI reducing the need for human labor generates significant anxiety as you fear losing your jobs and having the skills you have developed over decades become obsolete overnight.
    AI helps improve safety in industries such as transportation and manufacturing.
    AI helps facilitate language translation.
    AI helps improve education and healthcare.

    The Drawbacks of AI

    AI is vulnerable to hacking and cyber-attacks.
    AI will create job loss.
    AI will exacerbate existing privacy concerns.
    AI will be used for unethical purposes.
    An excessive reliance on AI technology can result in reduced opportunities for human interaction.
    AI will be used to spread misinformation and propaganda.
    The high cost of developing and implementing AI technology can result in the creation of a socioeconomic divide between those who have access to AI and those who do not.
    Many people simply won't understand or won't care about AI. It's difficult to give AI attention when you don't have food, clothing, or shelter.
    For many individuals, it may be challenging to focus on AI technology when basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter are not being met. As a result, some people won't understand or prioritize AI.

    5. The Limits of AI: Trusting the One True Source of Intelligence

    Should you place your life in the hands of another idol, AI, or place 100% trust in the One True Source of Intelligence?
    Does the world seem to be getting dumber, despite the advancements in technology, and fails to recognize that true intelligence involves more than just accumulating knowledge.
    AI lacks a heart and soul, and cannot be considered a sentient being.
    AI does not possess the ability to love or express love, which is crucial for the well-being of Earth's inhabitants.
    Only through unconditional love, without holding anything back, can we truly experience peace on earth.
    Extending unconditional love towards others reflects one's true intelligence and it's challenging to feign or fake such genuine affection.
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