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Ideas Post

Gratitude List

Just a few from yesterday... been a bit, so figured it was time.

Gratitude List

    1. Feeling OK physically

    Getting older brings issues. For me, it was some DVT. Treated it, but its been a year since my legs have not felt heavy. Last couple weeks, the legs have felt pretty darned good. Of course, football officiating season is over, but I'll get back to other exercising to keep them the same way.

    Clean bill of health from the doctor at my annual physical. Blood work good, other than indicators of arthritis, but I didn't need blood work for that.

    2. Got Through Fiscal Audit

    I handle the financial piece of the non-profit where I work. Not an accountant by training, so I've always struggled to get things just right. Our auditor is cool, but is like Detective Columbo of '70's TV fame, always having "one last question" before he outs the wrong-doer. Well, not only didn't the auditor have any of those questions, he was able to get his on-site work done in one day, not the two or three it usually takes. So, only one day of high anxiety.

    3. First Sale

    Was showing my not-yet-complete website thru RedBubble, using AI images to make stuff to sell to a co-worker. She asked me to create a specific images I didn't have, and to put them on a mug. Did it easily enough, and she bought three mugs.

    4. Shedding

    We had our old shed demolished, and a new base put down for the new one when it is ready for delivery. Hardest part was getting the family to go pick a shed out. And, for you Monty Python fans, no, at no point will I ever have two sheds... :)

    5. Pooped Pup

    The puppy was resting quietly after the kid wore him out playing around the house. He had obedience class last night. It's a lot easier to train a tired doggy.

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