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Harmony in the Hive. ( 3 min)


    1. Imagine a beehive as a tiny universe, and at the center of it all, we have the Queen Bee, which we can think of as a symbol for God in our larger universe.

    Now, let's break it down:
    Queen Bee (God): In our beehive universe, the Queen Bee represents God, the ultimate Creator of everything. She's the one capable of producing new life (love) to ensure the survival of the colony (our world). Just as God is the source of all creation in our universe, the Queen Bee is the source of new bees in the beehive.
    Worker Bees (Us): The majority of bees in the colony are like us, humans. They're the worker bees, representing the population in our world, where females also make up the majority. These worker bees have different tasks, just as we have different roles and jobs in our lives. They collect nectar and pollen (love) by experiencing life, build and maintain their hive (our world), and take care of the brood (the younger generation) by sharing their experiences and knowledge. They even defend the hive against threats (like the ego's negativity) and help maintain a harmonious environment (like creating love in the world).
    Drones (Not Needed): Now, imagine some male bees called Drones. They don't have stingers, and their sole purpose is to mate with queens from other colonies. In our universe, we can see them as things that aren't needed, like distractions or unnecessary pursuits. They only come into play during specific times and aren't allowed in the hive when resources are scarce.
    So, what's the metaphor here? Just as the Queen Bee is the source of life and love in the beehive, God is the ultimate source of everything in our universe. We, like worker bees, have different roles and responsibilities, but ultimately, our purpose is sharing and spreading love, just as worker bees collect nectar and pollen. And, like drones, some pursuits in life may not be necessary and could distract us from our true purpose.
    The hive's unity and harmony, regulated by pheromones (consequences), can be compared to how our world functions based on the consequences of our actions. It's a reminder that we're all part of a larger system, and our actions affect the whole, just as bees work together for the hive's well-being.
    In this metaphor, we find a reflection of our roles, purpose, and interconnectedness in the grand universe, all while emphasizing the importance of love and unity in our lives.
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