NotePD Loader
Ideas Post

How can I improve this pages of my next book

I 'm currently working on a notebook, with questions /prompts that you, your friends, workmates or customers can write in.

m currently working on a notebook, with questions /prompts that you, your friends, workmates or customers can write in.m currently working on a notebook, with questions /prompts that you, your friends, workmates or customers can write in.

I've attached a quick sketch of what I was thinking.

How can I improve this pages of my next book

    1. My answers

    This will show users what they should do. It also helps break up all the white space.

    2. Watermark

    A watermark background will help break up white space and remind people of my brand.

    3. Clipart

    Faded clipart designs could help link back to questions and serve as a way to break up space.

    4. Colored background

    It would end up costing more, but maybe a more colorful book would sell better?

    5. Handwritten font

    Have a nice handwritten font for my questions /prompts.

    6. Share

    I could encourage people to share completed pages and I would share it on social media. They could win a prize. Or just share and find out what other people answered throughout the world.

    7. Patterns

    If I want to keep it black and white patterns will allow enough of a change in the background that people will find it aesthetically pleasing.

    This can't be too dark as writing and drawing is what's key.

    8. Simple design

    Add a red triangle to the corner. It fills up space, looks nice and allows users enough space to use the book. Doesn't need to be a triangle.

    9. Hashtag

    Add unique hashtags to the bottom of each page. This will allow for easier, more precise sharing.

    If not many share this will just highlight how little people use this. Maybe single hashtags aren't the best idea.

    10. Mascot

    Add a mascot doing different Poses to each page.

    I don't like this idea. Mascot would need color and it removes writing drawing space. If added, something else on this list would also need to be added to prevent it from looking too plain. Just wanted to get to ten.

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