How I lost weight, shrunk my waist , and gained strength during December, while still enjoying all the holiday parties.
Holiday season, oh the joy... and the stress! Family , Work, Friends parties, over eating and drinking. My challenge was to enjoy all the fun stuff and increase my health at the same time. Here is how I lost weight, shrunk my waist, increased my strength and did not miss a beat on all the festivities!
1. Know in advance when parties and dinners will be.
Before thanksgiving I mapped out more or less when all the dinners, company parties, and get togethers would be. So that I could map out my plan.
2. Track calories and Macros
I used MyFitnessPal to track my food and make adjustments accordingly.
3. Simplify workout to focus on building strength
I kept my workouts to focussing on 1 Compound lift exercise per day 5 sets 5 reps with 2 minute rests , 10 minutes of stretching, and 1 simple complimentary exercise for 4 sets of 8-10 reps with 50 second rests. For example, Bench Press and tricep Pull Downs.
4. Walk 10,000 steps a day
I found that if I could go for a 40 minute walk right after my workout I would get 5,000 steps before I had to get in the office.
5. Use Intermittent fasting days before and after Parties to compensate
On the days before and after, I fasted until 1 pm. This helped keep my calories lower leading upto and after the events where I was able to eat whatever I wanted.
6. The rest of the "normal" days follow the nutrition plan.
I made sure on the "non party" days to strictly follow my calorie and macro targets eating in a slight caloric deficit.
7. Weigh myself everyday taking weekly averages.
I weighed myself in the morning at the same time everyday and tracked a weekly average. It is amazing to see how things we consume like sodium affect a 1 day weight but not over the course of a week.
8. Use a strength coach in the gym to make sure form is correct
I hired a coach I know to help me while focusing on the compound exercises. Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Barbell Row.
He also helped stretch me out after every compound lift to prevent soreness.
9. Workout first thing in morning
I worked out at 6 am to make sure I would get it in every day.
10. When I slip up get back on track
There were a few times I went off my diet, movies, unscheduled coffee. I did not let it go more than one meal. I immediately got back on track.
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