Winter is here and so is sunset at 4 and temperatures in the 40 which can only mean winter blues. This year I plan on attacking my blues with a few action items.
1. Let’s A-Go!
Find time to exercise and move. Exercise gives the feeling of accomplishment and can make you feel better.2. Water Water Everywhere
Gotta stay hydrated. Body feels good when it has water in the tank.3. Lover of the Light
Sit by as much natural light as you can. Get a SAD lamp to mimic light. 4. Thank you very much
Start a gratitude journal. Recount 3 things that you were grateful for today. Relict on the positive of everyday.5. Try to have fun
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lizzatto, an Italian mystic, has a phrase "the heart follows the action". Even if you're in a bad mood, if you do something to enjoyable (a song/movie/walking) it will change your mood.
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