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Ideas Post

How Superheroes should really save the World with their Super Powers ( Super strength, Laser eyes, Mind Control, Flight, Super speed, Invisibility etc).

    1. Eliminate Religion and if anyone is found to violate it, kill them. They can have spiritual beliefs, believe in a Higher power, if it gives them Hope and Peace, but NOT any organized religion with a defined god, rules, temples etc.

    2. Eliminate Global Currencies ---make food, housing, clothing available to every person worldwide by taking control of Global Food supply, Agriculture, Farms, Fisheries, Orchards, Shipping, Building materials, Oil Wells, Forests etc.

    3. Those who want to extra special Gourmet food, nice Mansions can work for extra hours, days. Rest of people who are satisfied with the standard fare they get can utilize their free time on Self growth, Learning, Discovering .

    4. Use super powers to clean up polluted Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Skies - eliminate all polluting factories.

    5. Ensure everyone has free Medical, Mental, Sexual care by providing Doctors, Nurses, Sex escorts etc with ample wealth to be within reach of every person in the world's 7 Billion population.

    6. Reduce the power of every Global and Government Institution ( U.N., NATO, FDA, EPA, NASA, FBI, KGB, MOSSAD, CIA, NSA, Presidents, Parliaments, Prime Ministers etc) so they only make minimal administrative roles.

    7. Eliminate entire Arms industry, Weapons, Missiles, Tanks, Guns and re-use all the Materials, metals used and the Techinical , IT knowledge to make self sustaining factories , farms to manufacture Emission free Cars, Bikes, Trucks etc.

    8. Eliminate Food wastage by having containers outside each home to collect food, fresh and rotten to be reused or recycled.

    9. Ensure Global Water supply is maintained at all times, ensuring the Plumbing, Pipes, Neworks needed to supply water to each and every person reaches every corner of the world.

    10. Let everyone VOTE to have elected representatives ( who will convey their concerns, ideas to the Super heroes), but spy and keep an eye on every Candidate, Election, Wheels of Government to ensure no sabotage, retaliation, cheating exists.

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