How To Do Favors For Your Future Self
The sooner you start the better off you'll be but a few good decisions in your 20s/30s can make the rest of your life easier with more optionality. Even if you didn't do this stuff at a young age, starting now will make your life easier in the future.
1. Live below your means
Spend less, save more, have more optionality if you want to do something else and have more resiliency in case something bad happens.
2. Do not trade up
Pertains to cars and houses mostly. You'll see this referred to in mainstream media as lifestyle creep. Either way, avoid it.
3. Keep learning/doing new things
Career related or not, doesn't matter, new things bring opportunities in the future that today you might not even be able to imagine.
4. Get your health and fitness together
This is so incredibly simple to do. Not easy maybe but ridiculously simple. Cut carb consumption, cut seed oil consumption (do this by avoiding processed food), lift weights and skip breakfast.
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