How to improve Cumbernauld Town Centre (mall)
Often citied as the worst in Britain. How could it be improved?
1. Art
I remember visiting a mall in Beijing that was also an art gallery. Huge statues paintings on the walls. I only bought a coffee, but I spent Hours there. Loved it.
I've just been in a mall in Frankfurt that had 'selfie locations' lights and seating that served as a nice background for Instagram type photos. A few of these locations and small updates every few weeks will bring in a younger crowd.

2. Food court
3. Clothing
4. Bands
5. No charity people
The people with bucket's that stop you from shopping and take you from being happy and relaxed too disgusted with yourself and angry at the world.
I don't appreciate people making me feel bad, I don't think anyone appreciates it? So whys it still allowed?
There must be better ways for them to make money. Maybe that's worth a list in itself.
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