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Hurricane Fatigue

Hoped to escape this year

    1. Ian just ravaged the west coast of Florida

    2. Some lost everything

    3. Many throughout the state lost something

    4. Some of our growers lost 1/2 of their crops (or more!)

    5. Ian blew sandy dust through every crevice in my home & I’ve been cleaning ever since

    6. Before that I had been remodeling a house for 3 months

    7. Soooooo….I was tired & ready to enjoy being able to work & lounge in my backyard this time of year

    8. Thought we might get a little tropical storm this week but this morning brings different news

    9. I’m not going to lie, I thought my plans for this week were going to be accomplished with relative ease; my calendar is filled but now logistics are all needing to be changed

    10. Well, the news just punched us in the face; Nicole is on the way with a predicted arrival of midweek tropical winds of 70-85mph

    11. This might be my 8th evacuation event; I’m getting it down to a routine

    12. So the whole schedule changes when you only have 2 days to get ready

    13. Major inconveniences include possible internet & cell phone connectivity problems; I will need to pay bills earlier

    14. But through all of the issues, the gift of resilience has been strengthened & ideas are abundant to deal with it

    15. I can still cook/assemble gourmet meals without electricity, but will need to get fresh food to stockpile for a week or so

    16. It’s not so sticky hot this time of year so going without a/c if we get an extended period of time without electricity; it will be bearable

    17. Just reminding myself….

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