I - The Split Mind

1. I
"I" is not the same as "I AM."
"I" ~ "The Observer" ~ The Past
"I AM" ~ "Presence" ~ Always Now
"I" is the persona, the made-up sense of self, -- the ego
"I AM" ~ God ~ Love ~ One
"I" is what has been.
"I AM" Is.
"I" is... - the hurts - the pains - the - the demands - the memories - the jubilation - OVER - all were put in the world by you.
"I AM" is the Ineffable.
"I AM" is Unutterable.
2. A split mind cannot observe wholly.
The man who says he's a Republican will judge anyone who's not.
The woman who identifies herself as rich will have a lot to say about the poor.
Christians will judge non-Christians.
You get the idea.
This is the curse of time and space folks.
3. The story of Yin & Yang

Yin & Yang were always together.
Yet, they believed they were separate.
One day they woke up and realized they were One.
They became Light.
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