Ideas for a one-week getaway without any work
Not currently in a position where I can do this, but I'd like to structure my work in a way that would make it possible.

1. Silent meditation retreat
2. Boat trip
3. Train trip
4. Intensive Krav Maga course
Haven't done KM in a while (I recently started muay thai), but I always liked the idea of doing this. Not sure my cardio is good enough at this moment!
5. Chill by the beach somewhere far away
6. Wild camping in the mountains somewhere
Norway? Patagonia?
7. Italy or Portugal with my mom
8. A cruise
Why not? This isn't my travel style, but it could be nice for once.
9. Sand surfing and camel riding in Morocco
Also gotta visit my friend in Casablanca!
10. Jump on the iron ore train in Mauritania
Been thinking about this for ten years. That being said, the country is apparently quite dangerous.
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