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"If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." (Matthew 5:39) (3 min 10 sec)


    1. The "right cheek" is our sense of righteousness.

    It's our belief in the reality of our victimhood when we feel attacked or wronged by others. When someone "slaps" us on the right cheek, it is the ego's perception that we have been hurt, disrespected, or treated unfairly.
    The ego's natural response is to retaliate, defend ourselves, or hold a grievance against the attacker. However, Jesus invites us to "turn the other cheek" - to choose a different response based on the principles of forgiveness and love.
    Turning the other cheek does not meanĀ  accepting hurtful behavior. Rather, it means recognizing that the attack is not really about us, but about the other person's own pain and fear. It means choosing to see beyond the ego's perceptions of conflict, and to respond with compassion.
    The "slap" is not a literal physical attack, but the ego's attempts to provoke us with anger, judgment, or negativity. Turning the "other cheek" is a metaphor for choosing not to react in kind, but to maintain a state of inner peace.
    The ego thrives on conflict and negativity. By refusing to retaliate, we break the cycle the ego tries to create. We don't give the ego power over our emotions and choose to respond from a place of love.
    No one can truly hurt us unless we give them the power to do so through our own belief in the reality of the attack. By turning the other cheek, we are refusing to buy into the ego's story of victimhood and choosing to see the situation through the eyes of forgiveness.
    True strength lies in inner peace, not outward aggression. Turning the other cheek doesn't signify weakness, but the courage to choose love in the face of negativity. It demonstrates that our inner peace is not dependent on external circumstances.
    Someone at work says something rude to you. This is the ego's attempt to provoke a reaction. Remembering Jesus' words, you could choose not to take it personally. You could respond calmly, set a boundary if needed, and maintain your inner peace. This non-reactive response disarms the ego and demonstrates the power of choosing love over anger.
    Turning the other cheek is a powerful practice of forgiveness that helps us release grievances, heal our relationships, and experience the peace of God. It is a way of demonstrating our commitment to love and our willingness to see the innocence in all beings, even in the face of seeming attack.
    Jesus' teaching to turn the other cheek is not a call to weakness but a call to the strength of forgiveness and the power of love.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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