If you could bring back any canceled TV show, which one would it be and why?

1. Lancelot Link Secret Chimp

Greatest band: the Evolution Revolution!
2. Mr. Ed

The multi-talented and wisecracking horse!
3. Malcom in the Middle
Unlike most other sitcoms, time passed: the boys got jobs and went into college, etc. Edgy and wrong is so many ways but witty and with heart: no laugh track necessary!

4. New Wave Theater

This was shown in the middle of the night. There were some great 80s bands with the vibe of cable access. I guess this was more of a time capsule: it would not make much sense to continue.
5. Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch

I guess there are only so many things you can do when none of the characters have hands.
6. Hong Kong Phooey
Scatman Crothers was great as Hong Kong Phoey, and a great theme song. The crime fighter story lines are endless.

7. Bewitched
This show had a long run with different actors playing Darrin Stevens and transitioned from Black and White to color. It may have run its course but the writing was great.

8. Silicon Valley
This show and the writing was so prescient: There were episodes about bitcoin mining and AI run amok in 2016 and 2019. I have watched it through three times so far and howled with laughter each time.

9. Ren and Stimpy
Hilarious and dark cartoon!

10. The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy
Another wild cartoon where kids win "death" in a game and he is their servant.