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Inevitable phases of life

Although they say our life will be lived our way,they said since it's ours we could live it any how we please,but there are some stages in life that could never be as we wanted.

Inevitable phases of life

    1. Birth

    Also called the first phase of life that was whe n we were brought tk earth to face it's challenges and the entertainment it has to offer

    2. Growth

    Living things generally are expected to grow,it might be in size ,shape,colour and experience whatever it might be,but only that that phase of life is not controlled by any living being and it's inevitable.

    3. Test

    During our life journey there are or there would be some time when things won't seem to be going our way,but it's fine because what some people don't know that rainy days are just the challenge aspect of life and with patience and better understanding of life one would just go through that stage like it's nothing.

    4. Joy

    This is the time everybody hopes and prays  of but it's already inevitable  no matter the consequence there would still be a time of joy in life,but sometimes joyous moment might be short.

    5. Circle of life

    This concept is based on the idea that life is circular and that all people pass through the same inevitable phases of life. Each phase is marked by a period of growth, learning, and exploration as we come to terms with our mortality and understand more about ourselves and the world around us. We eventually reach a point of understanding, where we can look back on our lives and make sense of what we have achieved. This understanding is the reason why we are able to see the larger picture and appreciate the full circle of life.

    6. Death

    Last but not the least,the death stage of life also known to some people as the resting stage of life,this phase scares people a lot but what can be done about it? People are afraid to die when they are enjoying what life is offering them or what it has to offer but some people also pray for death whenever they are facing the other side of life,but regardless it inevitable everybody will die one day buried 6 feet under coal's short so own it.
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