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Invisible God, Visible Love. (2 min 13 sec)


    1. Is God an Image?

    Answer: God is not an image. Instead, God is a vast, all-encompassing, and formless divine presence that goes beyond any human or physical representation. God is the source of all that exists and is beyond our limited understanding of images.
    Concrete Example: Imagine the sky on a clear night filled with countless stars. We can't capture the entire universe in a single image, just as we can't capture the essence of God in a single picture. God is the boundless expanse of the cosmos, far beyond any image we can conceive.

    2. Is Jesus in an image?

    Answer: Jesus is a symbol of the love and forgiveness that lead us to a deeper understanding of our true selves and our connection to God. While there are artistic representations of Jesus, we should focus on the spiritual teachings associated with him rather than his physical image.
    Concrete Example: Think of a painting of Jesus hanging on a wall. While the painting may capture an image of Jesus, it's the teachings attributed to him, such as love, forgiveness, and compassion, that we want to emphasize. These teachings are more significant than any physical image.

    3. Are We Figures in the Dream?

    Answer: Our everyday lives is often compared to a dream-like state. We are like figures in the dream, experiencing the illusions and challenges of the world. However, the ultimate truth is that our real identity is beyond the dream; we are eternal spiritual beings connected to God.
    Concrete Example: Consider a dream you had last night. In the dream, you may have interacted with various people and situations, just as we do in our waking lives. However, when you woke up, you realized that the dream was not your true reality. In a similar way, our worldly experiences are like a dream, and our true reality lies beyond it.
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