It's Your Voice - In The Thoughts
1. The voiceless voice.
It's the thoughts in your head that are largely responsible for your unhappiness.
This is a great realization for some and torture for others. There's no one to blame.
When you have nothing outside of yourself to blame you can see change on the horizon.
When you believe that others are the blame for your life's situation you feel defeated and see no way out.
2. The critical and negative voice in your head.
There is no order of difficulty. This applies both to situations large and small.
The critical and negative voice occupies a lot of real estate inside your head. A voice that you've carried around for years, perhaps decades.
You criticize three things most of your waking hours: yourself, other people, and situations.
There's always something wrong with you, someone else, or something else. Have you noticed how much you speak unfavorably about yourself and others?
3. Disempowering stories.
You could tell yourself a new story if you wanted to do so but you don't.
You could tell yourself a story that makes you feel good about yourself and others but you don't.
What you prefer to do instead is to tell yourself stories about how bad your life is and how unfairly you've been mistreated by life itself. But you don't stop there you go on to make up stories about how fairly other people have mistreated you too.
It's impossible to enjoy peace of mind when you throw your thoughts in a boxing match with Mike Tyson on a daily basis.
You walk around with very unhappy stories in your head and your repeat them over and over again. You call this living. You call it "my life".
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