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Jobs I'd like to do

It doesn't look like I'll be getting out to China anytime soon, so what can I do instead?

    1. TEFL teacher

    I'm a really good teacher it seems a shame to waste those skills. 

    I can work anywhere in the world.

    I really don't want to put my life on hold for another 6 month's whilst I sort out visas.

    If I ever return to Scotland I'll be in the exact same spot I am now, despite the experience I gain out there.

    Maybe I could teach TEFL in Scotland.

    2. Stand up comedy

    I'm not sure how much I'd make from each gig, but If I could make enough I'd love to do comedy for a living.

    I don't want to censor myself and this will probably lead to cancellation.  

    If I'm smart I'm sure I can make the joke's I want to without attacking people.

    3. Lecturer

    I've got a lot of knowledge and I can teach, a college lecturer is a good mix of both.

    Do I need a new degree to do this?

    What subject would I teach?

    4. Comedy writer

    I could write for others.  

    I won't get recognition, but I'll get practice and I'm sure recognition will soon follow.

    5. Therapist

    I've done training to be a coach.  Therapy seems like the next step forward.  I already go out of my way to help others, if I could gather more skills and get paid for it I'd be happy.

    6. Animator

    I've got a degree in animation.

    I really enjoy it.

    I prefer 2d I could improve my 3D skills.

    It's difficult finding work.

    7. Engerneer

    I like to fix and build things.

    Friends in this field say I could easily do it.

    It means going back to uni.

    8. Entertainer

    At a holiday resort or a cruise.

    Entertainment was a huge part of being a good teacher I think I'd be great as an entertainer.  

    Lot's of fun and games.  I've got lots of energy.

    I'd need to move.

    I'm not sure what the pays like.

    Will I be using my mind as much?

    9. Final Thoughts

    I want to work somewhere that requires me to use my brain.  I want to be creative.  I want to do something I find fun/meaningful.
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