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Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16) (2 min 23 sec)


    1. You could choose to overcome your fear and share your gifts.

    You could choose to overcome your fear and share your gifts.
    You could choose to overcome your fear and share your gifts.

    We are all created by God as perfect extensions of His love and light. Our true identity is not the limited, fearful self that the ego would have us believe. We are the radiant and eternal spirit that we are being created to be. However, through our belief in separation from God, we have forgotten this truth and have become identified with the ego's darkness.
    When Jesus tells us to let our light shine before others, he is reminding us of our brilliance and calling us to allow that light to be expressed in everything we do. He is encouraging us to recognize that we are not separate from God's love but are always connected to it.
    "Good deeds" are not a means to earn God's favor but as a natural expression of the love and light that we are. When we allow our actions to be guided by love we naturally extend blessings to those around us.
    Letting our light shine is not about seeking praise from others, but about being a pure channel for God's love to flow through us. It is about recognizing that our true purpose is to be a reflection of God's light in the world, and to help others awaken to the truth of their true Self.

    When you let your light shine are you blessing yourself?

    We are all called to be beacons of God's love in the world. By letting our light shine the darkness dissipates. We become instruments of God's peace and we contribute to the transformation of the world.
    Letting our light shine before others is not a call to seek worldly recognition, but a call to become aware of the truth of our being. By  allowing God's love to shine through us we fulfill our purpose as bringers of light and love.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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