Metaphor: A barking dog, at the wrong time, is confused. (1 min 18 sec)

Just like a barking dog that barks at inappropriate moments is confused in its behavior, people who are caught up in ego-driven actions, "barking at the wrong time," are also in a state of confusion.
When we act from a place of fear, anger, or egoic reactions, we are essentially "barking" inappropriately in our lives, reflecting a lack of inner clarity and alignment with love and truth.
1. Reacting to anger.
When we react angrily to a minor inconvenience or criticism, it's akin to a barking dog. Their emotional response is out of proportion to the situation, indicating a state of confusion.
2. Holding grudges.
Holding onto grudges over past events is like a dog continuously barking at a past incident. It represents a state of confusion and an inability to let go.
3. Over-identification with materialism.
When we obsessively pursues material possessions as a source of happiness, we are, in a sense, "barking up the wrong tree." Such behavior reflects a lack of spiritual clarity and an attachment to illusions of fulfillment.
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