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mobile gambling game idea

    1. The Coin Flip Game

    Everybody has a 50/50 chance of winning.You send 1 ETH.The contract sends back .5 ETH and .5 ETH "burns" (gets sent to miners and never gets used again).Then 24 hours later, the contract sends back either .5 ETH or 1 ETH (random).Whoever is right (yours is the same as what the contract returns) gets 50% of all ETH that has been sent to the contract.So if 100 ETH were sent, 50 would go to you, 25 would go back to whoever guessed wrong, and 25 would get burned.

    2. The Dice Roll

    Everybody has a 1 in 6 chance of winning.You send 1 ETH.The contract sends back .5 ETH and .5 ETH "burns" (gets sent to miners and never gets used again).Then 24 hours later, the contract rolls a six sided die. Whichever side comes up is what your portion of the return will be.So if 100 ETH were sent, if a six comes up you get 50% of all ETH that has been sent to the contract.If a one comes up you get zero but nobody else does (so your investment is guaranteed).If any other number comes up then everyone who invested splits that portion evenly among themselves regardless of whether they picked the number or not.For example, let's say 100 people invest 10 eth each for this game where there's 10 eth total invested by all players combined at any given time so there's always 10 eth in play no matter what happens with bets being placed on this game. If someone bets 5 on a two coming up then when it happens they would get 2/10ths of their investment back plus whatever dividends are being paid out at that moment (if there's only 2 eth in play then they might not get anything since there's not enough money to pay out dividends yet but if another 8 eth was bet on some other number coming up then they might now get 4/10ths of their original 10eth bet plus any dividends being paid out at that moment).

    3. The Card Shuffle

    Everybody has an 8 in 52 chance of winningThere are many ways you can set this one up but here's one way:You send 1 etherThe contract sends back .5 ether and burns .5 ether24 hours later it shuffles a deck which contains 52 cards numbered from Ace down to 2 (there's no 2 because every card has equal probability so we don't need an extra card)It deals out ONE card into an address owned by nobody (the address 0x0...Whatever)Then 24 hours later it checks which card was dealt out into that random address above. Whichever card shows up there belongs entirely to whoever owns that specific address where it was dealt out into.So if someone owns "address ABCD1234" then whenever a Jack shows up anywhere in the world they receive 100% of everything invested in this game ever since it started PLUS all dividends ever paid out on this game since it started PLUS all future dividend payments as well until someone beats them by investing more than them on some other specific card coming up in future games like this one..It costs nothing for anyone to play once it starts but you can only play once per card and only one person can win per card so competition will be fierce for high value cards like Aces and Jacks since those will have more potential use cases than lower valued cards like 7s or 8s or 9s or Jokers since those have no use case whatsoev

    4. The Hand Game

    Everyone has an 13 in 52 chance of winningThere are many ways you can set this one up but here's one way:You send 1 etherThe contract sends back .5 ether and
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