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My daily journal list - what I've done today

Inspired by @Mysteries - this list.

    1. Started reading Build A Second Brain

    I've been waiting for this book, by Tiago Forte, to launch. I was so excited to start reading it. Not had a lot of reading time today but made a start on it.

    2. Did some website last minute tweaks for a client

    The website is almost done. A few new items to add, waiting on some text.

    3. Played around with some tech

    I found Tiny Projects yesterday. Ben has created some great tech and apps. Signed up for Paper Website, Snormal and Mailoji.

    4. Started writing a newsletter for tomorrow

    I try to send out my newsletter on a Wednesday. It needs a bit more work yet!

    5. Tracked someone's trip on Polarsteps

    This is a very cool website. You can add photos and locations, keep them private or public and people can follow your progress.

    6. Went to the farm shop

    When we moved here, the first place we visited was the village farm shop. Back then it was fantastic. We shopped there every few days when we were staying in holiday lets. And we stocked up when we moved into our house. Then, sadly, it went down hill. Eventually it was sold and the new owners have refurbished throughout. It was great to have a quality farm shop back in the village.

    7. Did 10 minutes weeding in the garden

    After lunch, we were a little too early to leave for the Solicitor's so I did a bit of weeding in the garden.

    8. Signed documents at the Solicitor's

    Nothing exciting, just standard stuff.

    9. Ate ice cream in the sunshine

    It's been a lovely warm day. When we got back from the Solicitor's, we sat in the garden and ate ice cream!

    10. Planned a trip to meet a friend tomorrow

    Meeting a friend I've not seen for a while tomorrow. As the road is being tarmacked and I need to move my car early, I decided to leave around 08:00 so I have a nice morning planned before I meet my friend at 11:30.

    11. Tried voice typing in Google Docs

    I love voice. You need to use Chrome. This is a great function in Google Docs. Works well.

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