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My Dearest Carol (2 min 36 sec read)

On this special pre- Mother's day that is dedicated to celebrating all the amazing mothers of the world, I want to take a moment to honor you and thank you for all that you do. 
You represent the very essence of motherhood, with your unwavering love, boundless compassion, and endless patience. You are a true inspiration to us all.
My Dearest Carol (2 min 36 sec read)

    1. As a mother, you undoubtedly know that cultivating a successful relationship with your children is one of the most important things that you can do.

    And as a student of Love, you have access to some of the most powerful teachings on love, relationships, and forgiveness that exist in this world.

    2. One of the central teachings of Love is that love is the key to all successful relationships.

    And as a mother, you already know this to be true.
    Your love for your children is what sustains you through the challenges and the joys of motherhood.
    It is what makes all the "sacrifices" and all the "hard work" worth it.

    3. But love alone is not enough to create a successful relationship with your children.

    You must also be willing to let go of grievances and to forgive.
    This can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenting, as children can be difficult to deal with at times.
    But it is also one of the most important.

    4. When you hold onto grievances against your children, you are allowing fear and negativity to take hold in your heart.

    This creates a barrier between you and your children, and makes it difficult for love to flow freely between you.
    But when you practice forgiveness, you are opening your heart to love and allowing it to flow freely.

    5. Forgiveness does not mean that you condone bad behavior or that you ignore your children's mistakes.

    It simply means that you choose to see your children as they truly are: perfect, whole, and complete, just as they were created by God.
    When you see your children in this way, you are able to let go of grievances and to love them unconditionally.

    6. Another important aspect of cultivating successful relationships with your children is to focus on the present moment.

    So often as parents, we get caught up in worrying about the future or regretting the past.
    But the present moment is where love truly exists.
    When you focus on the present moment, you are able to fully appreciate your children for who they are right now, without judgment or expectation.

    7. So my dear Carol, as you continue on your journey as a mother, remember that love is the key to all successful relationships.

    Practice forgiveness, focus on the present moment, and see your children as they truly are: perfect, whole, and complete.
    And know that you are not alone on this journey. 
    We are all in this together, as mothers and as fellow students of Love.
    With all my love, Universe🤗
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