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Myths about the full moon

    1. The full moon makes people go crazy:

    This is a common myth, often associated with the term "lunacy," which comes from the Latin word "luna," meaning moon. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the notion that the full moon causes an increase in human or animal behavior, including mental health issues.

    2. Full moons only occur at night

    Full moons actually occur when the moon is directly opposite the sun, which means they can happen during the day as well. It's just that we often associate full moons with nighttime because they are more visible and noticeable in the dark sky.

    3. Full moons are always the same size

    The size of the moon varies depending on its position in its orbit, which is not a perfect circle but an ellipse. This means that sometimes the moon can appear larger or smaller during a full moon, depending on its proximity to Earth. This phenomenon is known as the "supermoon" or "micro-moon."

    4. Full moons affect fertility or menstrual cycles

    There is no scientific evidence to support the belief that the full moon has any impact on human fertility or menstrual cycles. While the menstrual cycle of some animals may be influenced by the lunar cycle, there is no conclusive evidence of similar effects in humans.

    5. Full moons are associated with more accidents or crime

    Full moons are associated with more accidents or crime: There is a popular belief that full moons lead to an increase in accidents, crime, and other negative events. However, numerous studies have failed to find any significant correlation between the full moon and these occurrences.

    6. Full moons always look red or pink

    While the term "full moon" generally refers to the moon appearing as a complete circle in the night sky, its color can vary depending on atmospheric conditions, such as pollution, dust, or clouds. It is not always red or pink, but can also appear in its usual white or yellowish color.

    7. Full moons are only visible for one night

    While the moon is considered full for a specific moment, the full moon phase generally lasts for a few nights, as the moon appears nearly full before and after the exact moment of fullness. This means that you can often enjoy the sight of a "full-looking" moon for several days.

    8. Full moons are bad luck

    Many cultures and superstitions associate the full moon with bad luck, ill omens, or supernatural events. However, there is no scientific basis to support the notion that full moons bring bad luck or are associated with negative events.

    9. Full moons are harmful to sleep

    There is a common belief that the full moon can disrupt sleep or cause insomnia. However, scientific studies have not consistently found a link between the full moon and sleep disturbances in humans.

    10. Full moons are always romantic

    While full moons are often associated with romance and love in literature, art, and folklore, they do not necessarily guarantee a romantic experience. The romantic connotation of full moons is primarily based on cultural beliefs and not supported by scientific evidence.

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