New Equipment, New Exercises
We got some workout equipment donated and I'm trying to make the most of it by improving my workout. We have a squat rack now that has a high bar on it too.
1. Front squats with a barbell
Before, I was limited to any squat variation with dumbbells. Back squats (bar behind your head) are more common that front squats (bar in front of your head). I am not sure which one might be harder/easier. I do front squats for safety. If something goes wrong, I can just drop the bar in front of me. Dropping the bar safely when it is behind you is more difficult. Also I think it is easier to maintain better posture while doing a front squat but not certain.
2. Pullups
I'm terrible and pullups, I need to improve.
3. Chin ups
I can do a few more chin ups than pullups. The difference is pullups your palms face forward when you grab the bar whereas chin ups, your palms face you.
4. Hanging from the bar
I've never done this before. It's supposed to be difficult for any length of time so I am curious if this is one I am "good" at or need improvement.
5. Thrusters
I mentioned these the other day. This is not so much about the new equipment but it's a pretty good, comprehensive exercise. It combines a squat and overhead press.
6. One more point
I think people get self conscious about how much weight they can move for various exercises. My experience with this and I am guessing it is common is there will be a couple of exercises where, yeah, that's pretty good. Then a bunch where the weight used is very ordinary and then a couple where yeah, you need improvement. That certainly is the case for me. Whatever ones you or I might need some real improvement with, I would encourage a no fucks given attitude and just do the exercise. When you take this approach, you're doing the important thing which is overcoming being self conscious and doing the work.
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