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In the U.S. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a science driven government agency responsible for research, exploration, and development of the World's oceans, weather, and climate. Meanwhile NASA is tasked with the same mission; extending from the upper edge of our Earth's atmosphere to the farthest reaches of the Universe. However, it seems like exploring Inner Space has never captured the attention of mankind the same way Outer Space has. It is well past time when we need to start exploring the 90% of the biosphere that remains hidden to all but the very, very few.


    1. NOAA vs. NASA,

    NOAA and NASA, two agencies with different scopes of exploration and research, yet both playing crucial roles in our understanding of the world we live in. It's fascinating to me how these two entities, one focused on the vastness of outer space and the other on the depths of the oceans, often find themselves in an unbalanced comparison.

    2. NASA

    NASA, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration, captures our imagination with its space missions and spacecraft. We can easily name iconic milestones and celebrities associated with NASA. From Neil Armstrong's historic moon landing to the awe-inspiring images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA has undeniably left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness. We are familiar with names like Apollo, Voyager, and Curiosity, which have become synonymous with space exploration.

    3. NOAA

    On the other hand, NOAA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, seems to operate in a realm less acknowledged by the general public. Despite being responsible for oceanic exploration, environmental research, and climate studies, the achievements and vessels of NOAA often go unnoticed. How many research ships or institutions can you name associated with NOAA? It's a stark contrast to the names that effortlessly roll off our tongues when discussing NASA's endeavors.

    4. Budgets

    The discrepancy between the budgets allocated to these two agencies is another aspect that cannot be ignored. NASA's FY2022 budget stands at a staggering $24 billion dollars, while NOAA's budget pales in comparison at around $8 billion dollars. This significant difference in funding speaks volumes about the priorities and attention given to each agency. It's no secret that money drives progress and innovation. The more resources you have at your disposal, the more you can explore, study, and understand the environments that shape our planet and impact all living things.

    5. A Little Equity, If You Please

    In my opinion, NOAA and NASA should be seen as equivalent agencies, with equal excitement, innovation, and budgets. They should complement each other in their efforts to unravel the mysteries of the universe and our own blue planet. The exploration of outer space has captivated our imaginations for centuries, but let us not forget that most of the Earth's surface is covered by water. The oceans, with their intricate ecosystems and undiscovered wonders, deserve our attention and investment.

    6. We Can Change This

    Ultimately, it is up to us, the public, to appreciate the importance of both inner and outer space exploration. We need to advocate for a balanced approach that recognizes the significance of NOAA's work alongside NASA's achievements. It is through this unity of purpose and equal support that we can truly unlock the secrets of our world, expand our knowledge, and inspire future generations. So, next time you hear the names NASA and NOAA, take a moment to reflect on the vastness of our universe and the infinite possibilities that lie both above and below.

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