October Plans & Goals

1. Go Apple Picking & Eat Cider Donuts
Knocked this one out on October 1st.
2. Attend 4 high school football games
Son is living his best middle linebacker life.
3. Tea tasting w/ former colleagues turned friends
Haven't seen many of them in over a year. It'll be nice to catch up.
4. Football watching w/ college friends
And their kids.
5. Concert w/ the husband
Seeing some tribute band he's into. I'm along for the ride.
6. Throwing a baby shower for a close friend
Not typically my thing, but happy to do it for her.
7. Client go-live
We've set the date, now on to the final testing and get them live.
8. New client kick-off
Still waiting on the contract, but once that's done I expect to hold a kick-off meeting sometime this month.
9. Get in at least one hike
The mountains have been calling.
10. Work on my sleep hygiene
It's been terrible.
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