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Paid-In-Full - You Know It's True But You Don't Believe It (15 min 5 sec read)

You might be wondering how to find peace when there are so many things that need to be taken care of first before you can achieve it.
Maybe you think it's not possible, but consider this: Could it be that God has a plan for your salvation that wouldn't work?
When you fully accept God's plan as the only function you want to fulfill, the Holy Spirit will arrange everything for you without requiring any effort on your part.
The Holy Spirit will ensure that the path ahead is free from obstacles or stumbling blocks, and provide you with all the necessary resources to fulfill your function. 
You can trust that you will have everything you need for your journey.
Every apparent obstacle or difficulty will dissolve before you even encounter it. You don't need to worry about anything else except for the one purpose you would fulfill.

    1. You know that holding onto grievances only reinforces your sense of separation and reinforces your ego's belief in victimhood. - But You Don't Believe It.

    A grievance is a belief or feeling of resentment, anger, or injustice towards someone or something. 
    It is a perception of being wronged, mistreated, or unfairly treated, and it often involves holding onto negative thoughts or feelings toward the perceived wrongdoer. 

    2. You know that forgiveness is the only means of releasing grievances and returning to a state of peace and unity with all. - But You Don't Believe It.

    Forgiveness is the practice of your releasing judgments and grievances towards yourself and others.
    It is the process of letting go of your negative thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that create a sense of separation and disharmony. 
    True forgiveness involves recognizing that the perceived wrongdoing is an illusion created by your ego, and that the essence of what you are is Divine and Unchangeable. 
    Forgiveness is not about your condoning or excusing the behavior, but rather about you recognizing the inherent worth and innocence of all of what God created. 
    Through forgiveness, you release your own suffering and awaken to the truth of your interconnectedness with All That Is.

    3. You know that judgment is the act of you forming opinions, perceptions, or beliefs based on your ego's limited and biased perspective. But You Don't Believe It.

    Judgment is where you see others and yourself as separate and different, rather than recognizing your shared essence and unity. 
    Judgment is a function of your ego, which always seeks to maintain a sense of separation and specialness. 
    Judgment reinforces the belief in a dualistic world, where there are winners and losers, good and bad, right and wrong. 
    Judgment leads to suffering, as it creates a sense of separation and reinforces the ego's belief in victimhood. 

    4. You know that you are not upset for the reason you think you are. But You Don't Believe It.

    The root cause of your upset is not external circumstances, but rather your own misperceptions and beliefs. 
    Your upset is the result of identifying with your ego's limited perspective and believing in its judgments and perceptions, rather than seeing things from the perspective of your True Self or Higher Self. 
    The writer encourages you to examine your own thoughts and beliefs and recognize the underlying fears and insecurities that give rise to your upset. 
    By doing so, you will begin to see through the illusion of separation and recognize your inherent Oneness with all, which leads to a state of lasting peace and joy.

    5. You know that when you're upset you are not in alignment with your true nature as a loving being.. But You Don't Believe It.

    Upset is your way of knowing you have lost touch with the peace that is your natural state.
    Upset is any state of mind that is not peaceful or loving. 
    Upset manifest as feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, guilt, or any other negative emotion. 
    All upset is the result of identifying with your ego's limited perspective and believing in its judgments and perceptions. 
    The only remedy for upset is to choose to return to a state of peace and love through the practice of forgiveness.

    6. You know that your perceptions aren't a neutral or objective process, but rather it is heavily influenced by your own beliefs, judgments, and past experiences. But You Don't Believe It.

    Perception is the way by which you interpret and make sense of the world around you. 
    It involves the use of your physical senses, thoughts, beliefs, and past experiences to create a mental image or understanding of reality.
    Your perceptions are distorted by your ego's limited and biased perspective, which reinforces a sense of separation and reinforces the belief in a dualistic world of good and bad, right and wrong. 
    When you release your attachment to your limited perceptions you will awaken to a deeper, more expansive understanding of Reality.

    7. You know that external circumstances are not the cause of your suffering. But You Don't Believe It.

    Victimhood is a function of the ego, which seeks to maintain a sense of separation and specialness.
    When you identify with the ego's perspective, you see yourself as separate and vulnerable, and you mistakenly believe that external circumstances are the cause of your suffering. 
    You feel powerless and victimized, and you feel that you have no control over your life and are at the mercy of outside forces.
    The belief in victimhood is to recognize the gift it brings to you, which is, your suffering is the result of your own misperceptions and beliefs.
    You are choosing to see things differently or not.
    Please sir and madam recognize your own inherent power and ability to choose your own thoughts and responses. 
    When you practice forgiveness, you release your attachment to victimhood and see yourself and others as equal, divine beings who are worthy of Love and Compassion.
    Playing the role of the victim is a way to maintain the illusion of separation.

    8. You know that at your core, you are an Infinite and Eternal Being of Pure Love and Consciousness. But You Don't Believe It.

    Your True Identity is not limited by your physical body, your thoughts, or your beliefs, but rather it is rooted in your essential nature as a Divine Being of Love. 
    You are not separate from him, her, she, they,them, or it, but rather you are all expressions of the same Universal Consciousness, and this Consciousness is Infinite and Boundless.
    Your true nature is unchangeable and you are already complete and whole (Paid-in-Full), regardless of your beliefs or experiences.
    These words can't be uttered enough:  You are an Infinite, Divine being that is part of an Infinite, Divine Consciousness, and your experience of separation and limitation is an illusion created by YOU.

    9. You know that guilt, the feeling of responsibility or blame for something perceived as wrong or sinful is a major obstacle to inner peace. But You Don't Believe It.

    Guilt reinforces a sense of separation and reinforces your ego's belief in sin and punishment.
    True guilt is not possible, as your essence is inherently pure and unchangeable. 
    What you often perceive as guilt is actually the result of your own misperceptions and beliefs.
    By holding onto guilt, you are perpetuating a sense of separation and reinforcing your need to punish and be punished.

    10. You know that your ego is the false self that you identify with, which is based on your belief in separation and individuality. But You Don't Believe It.

    Your ego is the source of all your fear, anxiety, and suffering, as it reinforces the belief in a dualistic world.
    Your ego is the root cause of all problems and conflicts in the world because you see others as separate and different from yourself, and this creates a sense of competition and conflict.
    Liberation is felt when you let go of your attachment to your ego's limited perspective of the world and align with your true nature as a Divine, Infinite Being.

    11. You know that death is not a real event, but an illusion that arises from your identification with the physical body. But You Don't Believe It.

    Death is not an end, but a new beginning.
    You are Spirit which cannot be harmed.
    Death is letting go of your physical attachment to the world and recognizing the eternal nature of your True Identity.

    12. You know that your fears stem from unfounded beliefs and a lack of love. But You Don't Believe It.

    Fear is the root cause of all your negative emotions and behaviors.
    Fear arises from your belief in separation from God.
    Fear arises from your belief that you are alone and vulnerable in the world
    Transcending fear is remembering your True Identity as a Being of Love and reconnect with the Love of God.

    13. You know material possessions and the pursuit of worldly things are ultimately meaningless and do not bring you true happiness or fulfillment. But You Don't Believe It.

    Your True Purpose in life is to remember your Identity as a spiritual being and to extend Love to those you meet.
    The writer understands the importance of money and material possessions in our daily lives, but he also realizes that they are only temporary and cannot bring lasting satisfaction.
    The pursuit of material possessions leads to anxiety, stress, and a sense of emptiness.
    How much time is given to cultivating inner peace and happiness through spiritual practices such as forgiveness, prayer, and meditation?
    What would happen if you shifted your focus from the pursuit of external possessions and achievements to internal qualities such as love, compassion, and forgiveness?
    When your thoughts and actions are aligned with the principles of love and forgiveness, you will naturally attract the abundance and prosperity that you need in your life, without becoming attached to any of it.
    The pursuit of material possessions and worldly success is a distraction from your true purpose in life.

    14. You know that Love is the ultimate reality and the Source of all Creation. But You Don't Believe It.

    Your true nature is love.
    The purpose of your life is to remember this Truth and to express love in all your thoughts, words, and actions.
    Forgiveness is the key to experiencing unconditional love and inner peace.
    The quickest route to realizing the Love that is Your Self is through cultivating loving relationships with those around you.
    Your True nature is Pure Love.
    Love is the only Real Thing.

    15. You know the short story below was inspired by real events. But You Don't Believe It.

    His life fell into place in ways that he could not have predicted. There was something magical and mysterious about it all, as if he were riding an ocean wave effortlessly. What impressed him the most was the ease with which it all happened.
    Although there was no significant change in his physical appearance, there was an inner glow that radiated from him. He had undergone a transformation that was a bit overwhelming to those who knew him.
    He had adopted a new way of living that was simpler, kinder, and all-inclusive. He spoke incessantly about an "Inner Teacher" that assured him that he did not need to know what to say or where to go. This "Inner Teacher" removed all obstacles from his path, and one by one, every idol he had held dear fell away.
    He no longer relied on his analytical and irrational ego mind to maintain a semblance of security in the world. Instead, he became a being of service to Love, comfortable in his own skin.
    It may sound like an exaggeration, but he discovered that 100% of his problems were illusory. 
    He realized that there was only one problem - his resistance to Love. When he desired only to see Love, he saw nothing else. This is where the Peace of God lies.
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