Projects and projections
To stimulate my major interests in orthodoxy, music, proof of truth evidence token, law or justice and natural science and health of body, mind and soul.

1. Proof of Truth
Patent to be published in December 2022 in official gazette: The use of NFTs in a novel proof of truth relational database. Includes law, AI and celestial navigation amongst over 20 claimed unique real world uses. First filed April 2021.
2. Musical moods
A foray into retirement with becoming an excellent musician minstrel to bring proof of spiritual truths to everyone everywhere for rejuvenating hope!

3. Theoretical musings from the past present and future in physics, genetics, epigenetics, natural healing and physiological systems in balance. Feeling good enough to dance and sing and play.

4. How to achieve joy
By overcoming the world and ourselves as we keep ourselves from prospering and finding a living faith within

5. Hawaiian Kingdom
To reistate the unlawfully overthrown kingdom and return law to using common law and maxims of law-concepts univerally held in all times by all civilations.
we are not commodities
we are living souls - perhaps not yet awakened

6. GreenRush General Store tm
The only worldwide online portal trademarked for the entire agrucultual evolution we must embrace to survive with food, fuel, building and health.

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