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Ideas Post

Random Day Typical of Setting Your Own Schedule

Today was a productive day. I did a bunch of stuff related to various constituencies in my life. The reason to post this list to acknowledge gratitude for being able to do this sort of thing every day but also for anyone trying to figure this out about what being on control of your time looks like. I would encourage others as lucky as me on this front to post something similar.

    1. Capital markets to start the day.

    I do quite a few different things, my main gig is that I am an investment advisor. I start every day working on that. Today started with a whopper of an employment report. It was fun to dissect it and read other opinions about it.

    2. Errand for our Airbnb

    We have a propane grill at our rental. Last week it ran out of propane. We always have a spare cylinder so the rental had what it needed. A quick trip to Walmart at 8:30am when the store was pretty much empty to pick up another spare. Being able to do an errand at an off-hour is a pretty good example of owning your time.

    3. Medical Call

    This was with the fire department, it was not really an emergency, it would go in the category of what's called a "public assist." Although not an emergency, the person needing the assist, they needed help and we got to help them after maybe a bad start to their day.

    4. Fascinating article

    Via Twitter about the movie Joe Versus The Volcano. I've never seen the movie. It turns out there are some serious things in it that relate to what a lot of us here write about. I'm about 1/3 of the way through. Here's the link

    5. Deep dive on a new (to me) mutual fund

    I take very few calls from mutual fund guys. I initiated this though, doing some research I found a fund to possibly use for clients. Portfolios I manage are a mix of individual issues, ETFs and strategy funds that may or may not be ETFs and this was the latter. It was interesting to learn about so very useful for me.

    6. Crazy day at the Tour de France

    I tape it live everyday and then watch when I can. It wasn't a true mountain stage but it finished on the steepest climb I've ever seen in 24 years or so of watching every stage. It was so exciting, I actually gasped when something significant happened (trying to avoid spoliers but go find it on line and watch!)

    7. Walker Fire truck grant

    Answered some question about the grant for which we applied for a new Type 3 engine.

    8. Wrote a very fun blog post

    Please check it out

    9. Barron's

    Friday is when Barron's weekend issue articles start to pop up on the website. I've been reading Barron's since the 80's.

    10. Baseball & This List

    I'm watching the Red Sox get smoked and working on this list.

    11. Didn't exercise

    That's about the only thing I didn't get to today. I lifted yesterday and will do a mini-workout tomorrow morning before the fire department board meeting.

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