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Random thoughts

I enjoy random thoughts lists

  It allows me to share a lot.

    1. Thinking

    I've seen that how people feel comes back to how they think.  If you want to feel better a good place to start is changing how you think.

    Schools do a poor job at this.  A class on mental models would be a huge benefit to everyone.  They should also review what/how they're teaching different subjects and how this affects people's thinking.  Mental illness is growing rapidly throughout the world and I'm convinced that it's down to altering how we think.  Propaganda changes how we think it's a similar process, but it's probably done as an accidental side effect rather than the main focus.

    2. Productivity

    I was listening to a podcast when someone made the link between happiness and productivity.  I never made the link before, but it's true I work a lot more when I'm happy.  Next time I'm looking for energy I'll focus on finding happiness and record how that's affected how productive I became.

    I'm going to see a ska band tonight I can't think of anything that would make me happier, let's see how productive I become this weekend.

    3. Food

    I've been doing like 1/2 day fasts for a while.  Mostly due to sleeping rather than sheer will power.  I've noticed that we really don't need to eat that much.  Good way to save money as well as becoming healthier.  

    4. Odds

    I like to think in odds rather than black/white outcomes.  When things don't go your way it's no longer a crushing suprise it was always an option, even if it was unlikely.  Try predicting like this and notice how much better you feel as a result.
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