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Ideas Post

Short story ideas

I enjoy writing short, daft stories. What could I write about next? 

Short story ideas

    1. Prime Hyst

    By the end of 2023 Prime drink has become worth it's weight in gold. A group of youths decide that they will break into their local corner shop and steal a few boxes, making them all millionaires. They complete the hyst with a lot of problems and get away with the prime. Only for the fad to die and kids focusing on another thing instead. 

    2. Fat is beautiful

    I wrote this ages ago, but this gives me an opportunity to share

    In a world where fat is beautiful. Woman have turned into beach whales. Men are all whistling and cat calling these fatties, but 1 man just isn't able to see the truth, that fat is beautiful . In his messed up mind, fat is disgusting (I know it's really hard to believe, but just try) . This story is about him. Let's call him Billy, because not seeing the truth (that fat is beuitiful) , makes him a real silly Billy. 

    Billy is just chilling at the bar having a few drinks when a rhino of a woman comes up to talk to him. He's appears to be a gentleman and has some small chat with her. Then she asks him to dance. He declines and says 'You're not really my type, sorry'. then she starts to cry 'you don't think I'm beautiful. I guess I'm too fat for you' everyone hears her cries and turns to look disgustingly at the man. How dare he not find this beast of a woman attractive. Feeling guilty he takes back his rejection and dances with it. 

    Eventually he walks her home she kisses him and she pushes him inside her house. He's cringing and starting to cry, but goes along to be nice. until she strips. Then he's physically sick. All over her bedroom floor. Bbbbllugghh! 'no I can't take this anymore you're bloody disgusting. You're a pure beast. Fats not beautiful! You hear me it's bloody disgusting! ' 

    Flash forward a few month and Billy's in court. Getting attacked by this Rhino. So you're saying the defendant raped you. 'Why would I do that she's disgusting. Just look at her' . Everyones mouths drop. There amazed that anyone could even think that a beuitiful and fat princess of a woman is anything less than perfect. 'she wanted me, but I said no cause she's a disgusting fat mess' wow. This changes everything rape is bad but this is serious. You body shamed a woman when she was at her most vulnerable. How dare you! '. The judge looks around the room' I don't think anything more needs to be said. This man is a monster and I sentence him to death. '

    So yeah, the moral of the story is. Fat is beautiful and we all need to stop fat shaming. Or something like that, who knows. 

    3. Dr. Poo

    A janitor, with the help from his time travelling portaloo cleans up all the crap in the timeline.

    It could be based around helping made up side characters with small problems during huge problems

    Eg. WW2 is hapning, but he meets a person who doesn't have any toilet roll so it's up to the janitor to find some and help the person. Maybe he can be so stupid that he makes the bigger problem worse in order to solve the small problems. 

    4. Junkie man

    A superhero that gets his powers from taking different drugs. In reality he's just a junkie hallucinating and punching the air. 

    5. Order 47

    After being voted in to become prime minister he finds out a terrible secret, order 47.  Alien's are out there and, once we have reached 'capacity ' they will start their war game and hunt us down. As a result it's up to world leaders to stop us ever reaching 9 billion people. Diffrent leaders use diffrent tactics. A horror story about how diffrent leaders reduce the numbers.

    We could also follow a freedom fighters around the world hell bent on stopping these crimes against humanity. What happens once they succeed and find out the real horror that awates? 

    6. Love is blind

    A supermodel is walking down the street. Out of nowhere someone blinds her by throwing something in her eyes. Luckily a kind gentleman soon comes to her rescue and helps her. Thankful for the help she agrees on a date. As the relationship progress fun hyjinks can happen due to her being blind. Then the real drama starts. She pieces clues together to come to the realisation that it was him that blinded her. She would have never dated him if she could see so he planned this out to make her fall in love. Once confronted what happens next? 
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