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Ten Things I Don't Ever Want To Do

Yeah, I'm leaning a bit too much on the AI, but I'm also curious about how it thinks based on what I've done here. So, I will say this is an excellent list except for #7 and #10. My notes in brackets.

Ten Things I Don't Ever Want To Do

    1. Bungee Jumping

    The idea of throwing myself off a tall structure with only a bungee cord attached to my ankles is not my idea of a good time. The adrenaline rush might be exhilarating for some, but I'd rather keep my feet planted firmly on the ground. [True]

    2. Skydiving

    While the idea of free-falling through the sky may be a dream for some thrill-seekers, it's not something that I have any desire to experience. The thought of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane just doesn't appeal to me. [True, and getting in airplanes isn't my idea of fun these days]

    3. Eating Insects

    In recent years, there has been a growing trend of incorporating insects into meals as a sustainable protein source. However, no matter how many times I hear about the nutritional benefits or the crunchy texture, I have no interest in adding insects to my diet. [No friggin way]

    4. Running a Marathon

    Running a marathon requires months of training, dedication, and pushing your body to its limits. While I admire those who have the determination and endurance to complete a marathon, it's not a goal that I have for myself. [True... know a few people who do the distance thing, and nothing but respect. Thinking about it makes my knees hurt.]

    5. Scuba Diving with Sharks

    The idea of descending into the depths of the ocean and coming face to face with a shark is enough to make me shudder. While I can appreciate the beauty of marine life from a distance, I have no desire to swim with sharks. [Yep.]

    6. Wrestling an Alligator

    Some people might find the thrill of grappling with a massive reptile to be exciting, but I'll pass on that adventure. I have no desire to test my strength against an alligator's powerful jaws. [No friggin way]

    7. Riding a Roller Coaster

    The combination of high speeds, sudden drops, and intense loops is not my idea of a fun time. The feeling of my stomach dropping as the coaster hurtles through the air is not something I want to experience. [Not true. Got a son who loves coasters and I'm OK with them except for waiting in line, and rides that go backwards so I can't brace for turns.]

    8. Participating in a Spicy Food Challenge

    While I enjoy a little heat in my meals, I have no desire to subject myself to extreme levels of spiciness just to prove a point. The potential discomfort and potential for digestive distress are not worth it to me. [Yep.]

    9. Deep Sea Fishing

    Spending hours on a boat, battling with a fish that may be bigger than me, is not my idea of a relaxing day on the water. While some may find joy in the thrill of the catch, I prefer a more serene fishing experience. [Fishing is enjoyable for some... I'd prefer napping or if on the water, just watching.]

    10. Living in a Tiny House

    The minimalist lifestyle and the idea of downsizing may appeal to some, but I prefer a bit more space and comfort. The thought of living in a tiny house with limited storage and cramped quarters is not something that I find appealing. [If I was by myself, I'd be happy with this - less maintenance. As long as I had a decent amount of land to be able to be outside in relative solitude.]

    [So, AI gets an 8 out of 10 for correct answers. However, almost all of these are fairly easy to come up with and don't show any insight into me based on what I've done here.]

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