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Ten ways to feel love

    1. Be grateful

    The easiest way to feel love is to be grateful. When you are grateful, you realize how much others have given to you, how much others have sacrificed for you. And then when someone does something nice for you, it triggers the gratitude response and automatically triggers love.

    2. Do what you love

    When we do what we love, we put all of our energy into something. We pour ourselves into it. We become obsessed with it. And that obsession triggers dopamine which triggers a feeling of love for whatever or whoever triggered the obsession.

    3. Do good things

    Every day I try to do at least one good thing for someone else (and often many more than one). This triggers the release of oxytocin which is called the "love hormone".

    4. Laughing with friends

    Laughing releases endorphins and endorphins trigger dopamine which in turn triggers oxytocin (the "cuddle" hormone) and serotonin (the "happy" hormone). So if your friends make you laugh a lot then they are cuddling with you every time they make you laugh.

    5. Meditation

    When we meditate, we focus on our breath and nothing else. The mind cannot wander because there is only one thing to focus on - the breath - so it has to stay focused there or else it will get distracted by everything that's happening around us or inside us. Focusing on the breath triggers a release of dopamine which causes us to feel love for whatever or whoever triggered this feeling of concentration on one thing without distraction .

    6. Random acts of kindness

    Because sometimes these random acts make people so happy that they trigger a huge release of oxytocin in both parties involved in the act.

    7. Remind yourself about death / impermanence / loss / sadness / suffering / unfairness / etc..etc..etc..

    This reminds us that everything is passing away and that nothing can truly make us happy except our own thoughts and actions (which are always fleeting). This reminds us not only that life is short but also that everything is fragile and temporary so we should cherish every moment since they can be gone in an instant. This reminder triggers a release of cortisol (the stress hormone), adrenaline (the fight-or-flight hormone), norepinephrine (another stress hormone), dopamine (the pleasure/happiness hormone), serotonin (the feel-good/calming down hormone), and endorphins (pain killers). All these hormones together trigger oxytocin , the love/bonding hormone, because now we want to build relationships with those who can help us through this stressful world where everything is temporary .
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