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The Burden of Unworthiness. (1 min 38 sec)

    1. The ego-self intentionally constructs elaborate scripts and produces intricate films projecting a world filled with success, fame, and happiness.

    But what lies beneath this facade? It's our profound sense of unworthiness, an ontological fear deeply ingrained in humanity.

    2. The greater the inner void and the more we drift from the truth, the easier it becomes for us to be deceived.

    All this inner lack manifests in our interactions with others throughout the day.

    3. Unable to confront our fears, we unconsciously offload them onto the people we encounter.

    This misaligned energy invariably leads to suffering, yet we misdirect the blame because we fail to recognize that our thinking is the true culprit.

    4. We project the weight of our brokenness onto others.

    We conveniently overlook the fact that everything we dislike in another person reflects aspects we abhor within ourselves. Instead of seeking answers within, we futilely search outside ourselves for solutions.

    5. True healing is an inner journey, and this truth challenges the ego's resistance.

    Egos resist this idea vehemently, metaphorically covering their ears. We cannot manipulate ourselves into becoming more loving, caring, and compassionate towards ourselves and others. The path forward involves questioning every belief we currently hold as true and making a resolute declaration: "There must be a better way, and I'm determined to discover it, no matter the obstacles."
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