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"The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21) (1 min 37 sec)


    1. The "kingdom of God" is not a physical place, but a state of mind that is always available to us.

    It is the awareness of our oneness with God and the experience of His perfect love, peace, and joy. This kingdom is not something we need to strive for; it is already within us, waiting to be accepted.
    We look for the "kingdom of God" in relationships, achievements, and material possessions. Jesus' message is that these are temporary substitutes for the lasting peace found within.
    We have become identified with the ego and have forgotten the truth of our inner divine nature. We search for happiness, love, and fulfillment in the external world, not realizing that these things can only be found within ourselves, in our connection to God.
    The way to access the kingdom of God within us is through the practice of forgiveness and the willingness to let go of our ego-based thoughts. By aligning our minds with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we  release the blocks to our awareness of God's presence within us.
    As we practice forgiveness and extend love to others, we experience the peace and joy of the kingdom of God, even in the midst of the challenges of the world. We see that our true identity is not defined by our past mistakes, but by our eternal loving nature as children of God.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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