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The Paradox of Effort. (2 min 35 sec)


    1. Concentration is a form of resistance because when we concentrate, we focus our attention on a particular task, excluding other thoughts or distractions.

    This act of exclusion is a form of resistance, as we resist the natural flow of our thoughts. This resistance is a source of suffering because it creates a division within our consciousness.

    2. Concentration requires all of our energy because it demands a significant amount of mental effort and resources.

    When we concentrate, we direct our full attention to a specific point, leaving little room for other mental activities. This intense focus is mentally exhausting, as it consumes our energy and leaves us feeling drained. I'd invite you to see the importance of balance in mental processes, which are disruptors to excessive concentration.

    3. Concentration is division because it creates a separation between what we are concentrating on and everything else.

    It divides our awareness and creates a sense of duality, where there is a subject (the concentrator) and an object (the thing being concentrated upon). I encourage you to recognize the unity and interconnectedness of all things and seeing division as an illusion that leads to suffering.

    4. Concentration is a fight because it involves struggling against distractions, wandering thoughts, and external influences.

    It's a battle to maintain focus and resist the pull of other stimuli. I encourage you to take a more effortless approach to the mind, where there is no need for struggle or resistance.

    5. When we love something, it's easy to concentrate because love brings a natural and effortless focus.

    When we genuinely love or are deeply passionate about something, our attention naturally gravitates toward it. This aligns with the idea that love and unity are fundamental aspects of our true nature, and when we operate from this place of love, concentration becomes a fluid and natural state.

    6. Instead of fighting against distractions or dividing our awareness do this:

    Embrace a more inclusive way of being, where concentration arises naturally from a place of love and unity.
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