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The Princess and the Pea Reimagined. (2 min 15 sec)


In the story of "The Princess and the Pea," a prince seeks a true princess to marry. One stormy night, a young woman claiming to be a princess seeks shelter at the prince's castle. To test her royal status, the prince places a pea under twenty mattresses and twenty Eiderdown Comforters. The next morning, the princess reveals that she had a terrible night's sleep, proving her sensitivity and royal lineage. The prince is delighted and marries her.

    1. The quest for true identity.

    The prince's search for a true princess represents our own search for our true identity. We identify ourselves with the ego, a false self, while the truth of who we are lies beyond this illusory identity. The prince's quest mirrors our own journey to discover our authentic selves beyond external appearances...i.e. the body.

    2. A discerning sensitivity to the truth.

    The pea placed under the mattresses signifies the sensitivity required to discern the truth. Sensitivity is our ability to discern between illusions and reality, between the voice of the ego and the voice of love. Until we see the importance of developing this sensitivity we will never align with the truth.

    3. The invitation to honesty.

    The princess's honesty about her discomfort during the night demonstrates the importance of honesty in our spiritual journey. It's high time that we have some radical honesty with ourselves and with others. Let's acknowledge our discomfort and our illusions. And finally let them go and align with the truth.

    4. Recognizing True Royalty.

    The prince's delight in finding a true princess reflects our own joy when we recognize the truth in ourselves and others. We are all children of God, royalty in our own right. When we see beyond appearances and recognize the divinity in ourselves and others, we experience a deep sense of joy and connection.
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