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"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark 1:15) (1 min 50 sec)


    1. The "kingdom of God" is Heaven, the state of perfect oneness with God.

    "The kingdom of God" doesn't represent a physical place, but rather the reality of love, peace, and oneness that lies beyond the ego's illusions. This kingdom is not something that we need to strive for through external means, but rather something that we need to accept as the absolute truth.
    The "time has come" signifies a call to awaken from the ego's dream of separation. We have forgotten our true identity as the eternal, infinite spirit and have become identified with the ego's thought system. However, the truth of our being is always present and available to us, and we can choose to awaken to this truth at any moment.
    Repentance is not about feeling guilty, but rather about recognizing that we have been mistaken in our belief in separation and choosing to correct our perception. It's a call to change our minds and choose love over fear.
    "Believe the good news!" is embracing the truth that we are inherently connected to God and that our true nature is love. The "good news" is that we are already whole, complete, and perfect, and that we need only to recognize and accept this truth in order to experience it fully.
    Jesus' message isn't about waiting for a future utopia. Lasting change comes from within. The "kingdom of God" isn't something we create in the external world. It's about a transformation of our hearts and minds.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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