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"The truth remains true." (3 min 34 sec)


    1. Truth doesn't ask us to believe it, accept it, or welcome it.

    Truth points towards a reality beyond words and concepts, beyond "belief" or "acceptance. Instead of holding onto a fixed idea of truth, it calls for a direct experience. This transcends mental constructs and dissolves the illusion of a separate self needing to "accept" anything.

    2. Truth is hard for most of us to believe.

    The "truth" challenges our deeply held assumptions and beliefs about ourselves and the world. This is unsettling, as it requires letting go of familiar ego-based identities and perspectives. The difficulty lies not in the truth itself, but in our attachment to our limited sense of self and reality. This attachment creates resistance and makes it challenging to see beyond our conditioned mind.

    3. Truth is something that most of us find to be startling.

    Truth is startling because it reveals the illusory nature of our separate selves and the world. It dissolves the boundaries we create and exposes the interconnectedness of all things. This is both unsettling and liberating, like waking from a dream. It is disorienting at first but ultimately leads to a true sense of freedom.

    4. Many of us actively resist the truth.

    Our egoic mind thrives on separation and duality. This resistance manifests as fear, anger, or attempts to rationalize away challenging truths. This resistance is not a personal failing, but a natural consequence of clinging to our limited sense of self.

    5. Truth has a few very small asks.

    Truth doesn't ask us to believe in anything specific. Instead, it invites us to question our assumptions and be open to practice letting go. The "asks" are not commandments, but invitations to explore. This exploration involves quieting the mind, opening to the present moment, and observing reality as it is.

    6. Truth asks us to not judge or analyze it.

    Judgment and analysis are tools of the mind, which create separation. Truth invites us to step beyond the mind and experience reality directly, without judgment or interpretation. This doesn't mean becoming passive, but rather being present and aware without filtering our experience through mental concepts.

    7. Truth also asks that we practice and use it.

    Truth isn't achieved through intellectual understanding. It requires practice and embodiment that integrate truth principles into daily life. This practice involves meditation, mindfulness, self-inquiry, and compassionate action. Through consistent practice, we align ourselves with the truth, not as an idea, but as a lived experience.

    8. For it using truth that its efficacy will be revealed to us.

    The "efficacy" of truth isn't something to be proven or achieved. It's a natural consequence of letting go of our limited self-concept and opening to the vastness of reality. This "efficacy" manifests as peace, joy, and a deep sense of connection with all things. 
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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