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The Weekly Roundup

    1. Woodworking Show

    By the time you read this we will be at the North of England Woodworking Show in Harrogate. A gathering or woodworkers, woodturners, tool and machinery manufacturers and others, it's a busy three day event. We know lots of the people who will be there and, no doubt, will be catching up.

    2. The Nook

    I've been trying to sell a couple of items on Facebook for a few weeks. After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing and some time wasters, I finally managed to sell both items to the right people (as often happens). It freed up room in our dining/kitchen to set up a nook. With two tub chairs, a small table and television, it's a cosy little corner where I can read, think or write. It's made the room much bigger and we both love it.

    3. Furniture Moving

    Finally getting the nook set up inspired me to move other furniture. I've switched a few things around, decluttered other things for the charity shop. I like it when a plan comes together!

    4. A new bed for Bamber

    Dog beds don't last long! It was time to get a new one for Bamber so we got an oval plastic bed with cushion. And he loves it. I think he likes being able to get in it rather than on it. He prefers it to his blanket now.

    5. Clothes Shopping

    My worst nightmare, I'm not a fan of shopping at the best of times. I'd spotted a nice shop in a local town and went to check it out. I came away with a selection of clothes and had a great experience. I find shopping hard work and it's nice when it's easier than I expect.

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